Genius Genius - Jump Off This Train

[Twinspirit n.32] Can't you hear this growing noise coming from the darkness?
It's the same train that took us to the twinspirit land
this means that you are about to wake up from your dream
this train is going to bring us back to where we once met!

[Genius] Oh my God! Now I see it!
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32] It's coming right this way!
[Genius] Tell me please! What should we do?
How can we get the prince back to European reign?

[Twinspirit n.32] This train will be carrying us back to the Kingdom gates
and it will be passing through the European Kingdom
at that point you and the prince will jump off the train
and you'll run fast to the jails where Mc Chaos is being kept!

[Genius] No! No! No! I won't go alone!
You'll come with me!
[Twinspirit n.32] No! I won't! I must try to stay alive until you're arrived
here I will be safe!

[Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir] Jump off this train!
[Genius] I need your help! I can't go alone!
[Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir] Jump off this train!
[Twinspirit n.32] I'm sure you will be brave!
[Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir] Jump off this train!
[Genius] I just can't let you go to sure death!
[Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir] Jump off this train!
[Twinspirit n.32] No more words! Just...
[Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir] Jump! Off! This! Train!

[Twinspirit n.32] All right...
Every twinspirit has a multimedia storage support built inside,
where all the memories of the dream they are leading are stored.
They cannot give it out for any reason.
Before they die, at the end of the dream, they transfer it's content to the dreaming human mind
and in order to preserve his privacy, they destroy this storage.
Sometimes the human remembers the dream, sometimes he does not,
but the dream's memories are always transferred to his mind by it's assigned twinspirit.
In this case, I think that my memory storage content is the only thing that could
demonstrate that you were admitted here by the Doorkeepers and prove King Mc Chaos' innocence, once and for all.
Even if what I'm going to do is strongly illegal, here's a disk with a copy of these memories stored inside of me!
We are getting close to the European Kingdom!
You'll have to jump off this train and run fast to the Kingdom jails
and show the contents of this disk to the Senators!
I'll try to survive and give you enough time to get this done.
I hope to resist, and I hope you'll have enought time before you awake!
So... Prepare to jump when I'll tell you to go!

[Genius] What're you saying?
What does this mean?
Won't you come with me?
I won't let you in this sad train!
I won't let you die!
[Twinspirit n.32] It's all right! Don't you cry!
This is how it goes in this world!
I'm ready to face my fate!

[Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir] Jump off this train!
[Genius] I need your help! I can't go alone!
[Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir] Jump off this train!
[Twinspirit n.32] I'm sure you will be brave!
[Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir] Jump off this train!
[Genius] I just can't let you go to sure death!
[Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir] Jump off this train!
[Twinspirit n.32] Move your ass and jump! Off!
I said jump! Off! This! Damned! Train!

[Twinspirit n.32] Stop your whining, human!
I'm looking forward to leaving you forever.
I want to make clear in your dumb head our roles to this comedy.
You are the one enslaving me through my short life
by giving me life and making me die at your command!
I'm not your friend... I hate you!
But I'm going to die... Finally! So I'll be free of your blithering!
Now, the least you can do is try to clean all the mess
you caused due to your presence here!
So... Jump! Off! This! Damned! Train!

[Storyteller] They arrived at the point. Twinspirit 32 extracted the memory support and looked firmly into Genius' eyes. Genius was petrified by his reaction. He really could not believe his own ears. Tears started to flow down his cheeks. Genius jumped out of the train's door and fell on the grass. The prince was not hurt and the memory support was still safe in his pocket. He stood up and stared at the train for some seconds. Deep in his heart he was hoping that his twinspirit had spoken rudely just in order to convince him to jump. Suddenly he turned his back and started to run towards the European jails. The train transporting the twinspirits to their end was continuing it's ride. Twinspirit 32 did not expect that the conductor of that train was a special person that was waiting for the right moment to act fatally.